Tips for Choosing an Electrician
The wiring of a hot tub is a difficult process to understand. Especially if you are unaware of the equipment and devices used in a spa. There are 1000’s of spas out there, most of them with more than one way to wire them for different situations. Here’s some tips on choosing an electrician.
Prioritize Safety and Investment
When it comes to your safety and your investment you should know a few things. General electricians are just that. Unless they have the knowledge and experience of installing hot tubs then THEY DON’T KNOW. I mean just because one is a licensed mechanic on auto repairs, would you really trust him repairing the 747 you are about to board? There are some things to consider before having your hot tub wired.
Recommendations and Requirements
The person you choose to perform the wiring needs to be reliable and have a history of hot tub installations. I suggest always speaking to the company that you bought the spa from for recommendations. They tend to be able to perform the complete installation or have a licensed electrician they work closely with on their team. In almost all areas the wiring of the hot tub must be completed by a licensed and insured electrical contractor (electrician).
Essential Considerations in Electrician Selection
Remember when choosing an electrician… This is your life, not just an investment. Knowledge is power. Make sure the person you pick has the knowledge that you deserve. Ask questions, get references. That way you can enjoy your new “lifetime of relaxation”. Why not, you’ve earned it!
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