The Test
When was the last time you purchased fresh reagents for your liquid pool/spa test kit? I already know the answer…lol. It is usually “I don’t know…” This is the time of year where folks are giving their hot tubs a spring cleaning, or taking a peek at the water on their winterized pools. They always wonder why their home test is so different than the computerized version in our store. It’s usually because their reagents are old, thus giving a false read.
Essential Maintenance Tips: Reagents and Test Kit Care
At Blackthorne we recommend you purchase fresh reagents yearly, or at worst every year in a half. It is also important to note, the kit should be stored in a cool dry place, and not in the storage step area. Also beware of purchasing reagents at your favorite Big Box Store as they usually store the reagents improperly each season leading to a false test with your new purchase.
Optimizing Test Strip Accuracy: Proper Storage and Sourcing
If you like the simplicity of test strips a similar ideology applies… in cool dry place, no wet fingers in the bottle, and purchased from a specialty store such as Blackthorne Spas will give you a more accurate reading. There you go!
For all your pool and spa needs, including Chlorine-free pool and spa solutions, look no further than Blackthorne Spas. They are proud to offer Water’s Choice Pure Enzymes, one of the top enzyme-based products for pool and spa sanitation. With over 48 years of experience, Blackthorne Spas have been a trusted retailer and service provider for pool and spa owners seeking chlorine-free alternatives.