First, let’s talk rubber duck facts. Either spelling of duckie or ducky is correct. Now with the biggest fact out of the way, it’s time to take a deeper ducky fact dive (ducky fact? Lol).
The first ducky was not actually a floating toy. Interestingly enough, the first known ducky surfaced in the 1800’s and was carved out of wood. Its purpose was to keep dogs amused as a chew toy. The version of the rubber ducky we have come to love showed up around 1940 and was made of hard rubber. This credit goes to sculptor Robert Ganine who actually patented it as a floating toy. Fast forward to today, this iconic toy is made of plastic and not rubber.
In the Hall of Fame
In addition to those interesting facts, it is important to note the ducky holds an important accolade. The ducky was “in-duck-ted” into the toy hall of fame in 2013. Therefore, it’s safe to say our beloved ducky floats with the best of them. So without further ado, here are some reasons why we love the rubber ducky.
The Rubber Ducky Song
The rubber ducky has its own song. A popular children’s show named Sesame Street had a Muppet character named Ernie. Ernie loved his rubber ducky so much he took it everywhere. In fact, rubber ducky was one of Ernie’s best friends. Ernie’s friendship with the rubber ducky ran so deep he coined the song “Rubber Duckie”, and it became a huge pop culture hit.
Rubber Duck in Movies
Rubber Ducky also played a big role in the pop culture hit movies “Smokey and the Bandit” and “Convoy.” In both movies, there was a character who had the nickname “Rubber Duck.” And in the movie “Convoy”, the character named “Rubber Duck” switched out the bulldog hood ornament on his 18 wheel truck with a duck wearing a cowboy hat.
Rubber Duckys Help Fundraising Efforts
Love for the rubber duck makes fundraising efforts easier. Globally rubber duck races, also known as duck derbies are hugely popular for several fundraising organizations. In these races, marked rubber ducks are dumped into a moving body of water and the first ducky to cross the finish line wins.
Blackthorne Spas Loves Rubber Duckys
At Blackthorne Spas love for the rubber ducky runs so deep, this love is spread by giving each new hot tub owner a rubber ducky. No one should ever have to be in a hot tub alone. Rubber Ducky is always there to share your day. In addition to being rubber ducky lovers, Blackthorne Spas proudly also has the largest for sale rubber ducky collection in California.