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One of the common questions we encounter from our customers is whether hot tubs and spas can be covered by health insurance. The answer to this question is not a simple yes or no; it largely depends on the specific terms of your health insurance policy and the recommendations of your healthcare provider. In this article, we will explore the factors that determine whether your health insurance might cover the purchase of a hot tub and the steps you can take to explore this possibility.

Medical Necessity and Prescriptions

The potential coverage of a hot tub or spa by health insurance hinges on whether it has been prescribed by a licensed medical professional to treat a legitimate medical condition. Conditions that are often considered for hot tub therapy include athletic and joint injuries, arthritis, and circulation issues. If your doctor has prescribed hot tub therapy as a part of your treatment plan, you may have a stronger case for insurance coverage.

Insurance Policy Provisions

While hot tub therapy may be recommended by your doctor, it’s crucial to review your health insurance policy carefully. Many health insurance policies explicitly exclude coverage for hot tubs and spas. However, if your policy doesn’t specifically rule out hot tub therapy, you may be able to file a claim, considering your hot tub as necessary medical equipment.

Switching Insurance Policies

If your current policy does not cover hot tubs, but your healthcare provider believes it is the most effective treatment option for your condition, it might be worth considering switching to a more inclusive insurance policy. Before making this decision, it’s essential to weigh the cost of a hot tub against the potential change in your annual premium. Ensure that switching to a different policy aligns with your overall financial well-being.

Injury Cases and Liability

In some situations, you might find yourself in need of hot tub therapy due to an injury caused by another person or business. If a healthcare professional prescribes hot tub therapy for your recovery, it’s advisable to consult with an attorney. The responsible party’s insurance company could be liable for covering the cost of treatment, including the therapeutic hot tub. In the case of automobile accidents, your own car insurance might also cover hot tub expenses under medical pay if the other party’s insurance doesn’t.

Documentation and Claims

To increase your chances of receiving insurance coverage for a hot tub, it’s essential to provide thorough documentation. Alongside your doctor’s written prescription, submit all relevant medical test results, including X-rays, MRIs, and electromyography (EMG) reports, when filing your claim. Comprehensive documentation can strengthen your case and improve the likelihood of approval.


In conclusion, the coverage of hot tubs and spas by health insurance is contingent upon various factors, including your specific policy provisions and the medical necessity as determined by your healthcare provider. While it may not be a guaranteed benefit, exploring the possibilities and understanding your options is essential when considering hot tub therapy as part of your healthcare journey.

At Blackthorne Spas, we’ve proudly been part of the community for decades, offering a diverse range of top-tier hot tubs and spas designed to elevate your well-being and relaxation. Regardless of health insurance coverage, our dedicated team is committed to assisting you in discovering the ideal hot tub solution that aligns with your needs and enhances your lifestyle. We invite you to visit our location in Salinas, CA, to explore our extensive selection and experience firsthand how a hot tub from Blackthorne Spas can bring comfort and rejuvenation to your life.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical or legal advice. Always consult with a licensed medical professional for guidance on treatment options and a licensed attorney for advice regarding insurance claims.


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